
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Catching up...

Hi, All! I've been nursing a back injury for the past week, so haven't been able to sit at my desk to send out a post or even check my email for that matter. Mike has been great about taking care of the laundry and housework, as well as cooking for us too! My best bud, Jamie, brought dinner to us Wednesday evening, (thanks, again, Jamie!!!), to give Mike a break from the domestic choring - ha! ha! My back is still tender, but I finished off the steriods that my doctor prescribed and I stopped taking the muscle relaxers Friday night. I'm able to sit upright for longer stretches of time now. (Thank heavens that we have a recliner with a massager and back heater built proved to be a real life saver for me!) I'm really looking forward to going back to work tomorrow...I'm a high energy kinda gal, so staying down is rough on me! Anyway, I thought I'd take a minute to post a picture of the GORGEOUS Jackmani Clematis that is growing on the trellis alongside our garden shed. A mouse built a home under our garden shed for the winter and chewed the vines to the ground, so we weren't sure if the clematis would survive, but survive it did and flourish to boot!

Wishing you a blessed week ahead!

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