
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Justin's Successful Shooting Competition

As many of you know, Mike and Justin are avid hunters/outdoorsmen and they also shoot competitively. Yesterday they enjoyed the comaraderie of a local church skeet and trap shoot competition between our church, (Cedar Ridge Christian Church), and Northside Christian Church. Justin did exceptionally well! He took first place in the skeet shoot...Mike came in second place, but no medal for him. Justin took second place in the team trap shooting competition and also earned the award for high over-all shooter at the competition. Here's a photo of him with his medals:
 Justin has been shooting competitively off and on for several years now, and has dreamt of one day being able to shoot on the U.S.Olympic Skeet Team. During the summer of 2005 we visited the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, which is where the Skeet Team trains. Justin was in HEAVEN! Here's a photo of him at the training center:

Thanks for letting me brag about my son to you! Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. WAY TO GO JUSTIN!! How cool that would be if he did make it to the Olympics someday!


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