
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Early Morning Oklahoma Blizzard Photos...

It's 8:00 a.m. here in Broken Arrow, OK and the snow is coming down hard and fast. Late last night we got some sleet/freezing rain and then the snow started this morning. Currently 13" of snow is being reported in B.A., and it's not supposed to stop until this evening. The weathermen think that we may surpass the record 1-day accumulation of snow today. (The current 1-day record, in the Tulsa Metro Area, was set in March 1994 and reached 11.5").

396 schools and daycares have closed, and many businesses have closed as well. Mike and Justin, (who both drive 4-wheel drive trucks), made it to their jobs, but plan on coming home early so they don't get stranded. I'm so glad to be home today and not out in this awful weather!! Driving visibility is down to less than a quarter of a mile.

Check out these photos that I took a few minutes ago:

Here's one looking at one of the flower beds in our back yard...notice how high the snow already is on the garden lights:

For perspective of how deep the snow has already gotten here's a photo of the fire hydrant located across the street from our house:

Here's a photo the garden shed in our back yard...the wind is blowing so hard that we are starting to get some pretty measurable drifts:

Here's a close-up of a drift in the little fenced-in garden area next to our garden shed:

The next photo is looking out Justin's bedroom window, which faces our front yard and the street that runs in front of our house. Again, notice the garden lights in that flower bed...they're almost completely covered!

And, last but not least, here's a cute snapshot of our little beagle, happy to get the snow wiped off of her feet!

Some areas in Tulsa are without power, but (Thank You, Lord!!) we've still got power here!! The temperatures are pretty cold, the teens...but a MAJOR arctic front is expected tomorrow and the temps are predicted to reach into the negative digits. BRRRR!!!

Stay safe and warm today!!!! I'm going to work on a few craft projects, bake some home-made bread and make a pot of Tortellini Soup. (I'll share the soup recipe with you later this week - it's FABULOUS - especially on a cold, snowy winter's day!)

1 comment:

  1. Whew! That is alot of snow! We got the ice snow just ice and more ice! Stay warm and enjoy your day indoors! :)


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