
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sweet Blog Award!

Upon checking my email and blog comments on Saturday, I discovered that the very talented Ashley at Made Especially For You had given me a blog award! Thanks, just made my week!

Upon accepting this award I am supposed to tell you 7 things about myself and then pass this award on to 7 other bloggers, so here goes.....

1.) One of my favorite summertime treats is an orange cream slush from Sonic...they are SERIOUSLY addictive and you really have to try one!!

2.) I have never traveled outside of the U.S.

3.) I recently had to purchase reading glasses to wear when I read or do close-up craft work. (But they are really cute/funky reading glasses!!)

4.) I love the feel and smell of sheets and towels that have been dried in the sun on a clothes line.

5.) I enjoy people watching...there's a lot of funny in the world if you just sit back and take a minute to look around!

6.) Cleaning house is a chore that I don't mind at all...I actually kind of enjoy it!

7.) I like to play Scrabble with my mom.

Now for the 7 bloggers, in no specific order, that I'm passing this award on to:
1.) Kari at Creating with Kari
2.) Justine at Kerr-afty Creations
3.) Lisa at Lisa's Loft of Joy
4.) Gloria at Scraptabulous Studio
5.) Tammy at The Stamper's Cottage
6.) Ann at November Rose
7.) Kimberly at Scrap It Girl

I hope that you'll take a minute to click on the links that I've provided above to check out these gals' wonderful blogs! I know that you'll be inspired by them just as I am!!

Have a blessed day!!



  1. OH you are SWEET! You have now made me want to try the Orange Cream Slush. My son is constantly asking if we can go to DQ--I just may surprise him next time and say OK! Thank you for honoring me with an award Becky! I'll post to my blog tomorrow afternoon! You really do have a sweet blog!

  2. Aww thanks Becky! What a 'sweet' surprise! I have never been to Sonic, but I love creamsicles so that slush must be amazing! And I also love to people watch, it's a simple amusement! Thanks again for the Award!

  3. I have only been to a Sonic once...there isn't one close to where I live. Next time I am around one I will have to remember to try the orange cream slush! Okay, you need to show a pic of these cute/funky glasses now!! :) And anytime you wanna clean my house it is fine by me! HEHE! :P

  4. Thanks, Becky! I love my new award and will get to work on my post today!
    Reading glasses, huh? I started with those about 4-5 years ago. Now I wear them all the time. The joys of "maturing"!!!!


Thanks so much for leaving a comment; I truly value your thoughts, ideas and opinions! Have a blessed day! Becky B.