
Friday, August 5, 2011

Times; They are a Changin'!!

For a little over 5 years now I've worked as the administrative assistant to the director of our school district's Special Services department. This department handles everything pertaining to special education. It is a job where I have learned alot and I have enjoyed the challenges and the people that I work with very much, but I have known in my heart for several months that I needed a return to a school site and work directly with kids and teachers. (Before I transferred to Special Services in May of 2006 I worked as a secretary from 2000 - 2002 at one of our district's elementary schools; and also as the library/media assistant from 2002 - 2006 at one of our district's intermediate high schools.)

With that being said, I am thrilled to announce that on July 15th I will be returning to my previous job as the library/media assistant at the intermediate high school where I used to work!! The position became available again at the end of May, and I've been wrestling with the idea of returning since that time. I knew in my heart that was what I really wanted to do, so I'm "going home" to my former school site to work in a job that I truly love with a teaching staff and students that I adore!! My friend Gina is still the media specialist there, so I am looking forward to working with her again.

Just for fun I thought I'd share a couple of pics from 2005 when I was still working at the library:

Simple joys - shelving and organizing books...a happy task for an organizational freak such as myself - ha! ha! ha!
Here I am with my friend, Gina, the media specialist that I worked with everyday.

I love that I'll be working directly with the kiddos again. There are roughly 1,300 9th and 10th grade students at the site where I'll be at - so much fun!

Thanks for letting me share my excitement and good news with you!! Have a blessed day!



  1. Such great news!! I'm very happy for you! :) What a wonderful job and a good thing you already know what your getting yourself into since you did that same job before! Oh and such a blessing to work with a friend! Congrats!

  2. Congrats on the new job Becky. To do something you truly love is a blessing--I'm so happy for you!

  3. Becky,
    I'm so happy for you! It's great working with kids. That's the one thing I miss in my job. Not as much "kid-time".
    Enjoy your new job!
    BTW - Did you get my e-mail?

  4. They still have books?!?!?
    And there are kids in broken arrow that can actually read? Well, I'll be....
    Congratulations on the new/old job!


Thanks so much for leaving a comment; I truly value your thoughts, ideas and opinions! Have a blessed day! Becky B.