
Monday, April 2, 2012

Scrap-It-Girl's April Challenge...Use Creative Memories Products

This month's challenge over at Scrap-It-Girl is hosted by Rina Gonzales, who is a Creative Memories consultant. The only rules for this month's project submission(s) is to create something using Creative Memories products - easy, eh?? (Need Creative Memories products?? Here's the link to Rina's CM site:

The layout that I submitted includes a few of the random photographs that get taken on know the one's that I'm talking about...the unusual photos that tell the story of the area that you are visiting. Several years back we visited Sanibel Island, FL and I made a scrapbook dedicated entirely to this wonderful trip! The layout "Things You'll See On Sanibel Island" has fun photos of things like exotic birds, mounds of seashells, crazy mailboxes, and so on:

The Creative Memories products that I used are:
  • Colored cardstock
  • Corner rounder
  • Custom Cutting System (Oval and Circle)
  • Scrapbook pages and protectors
  • Album
The prize package that will be given away this month is a terrific assortment of Creative Memories products from Rina! Here's what the winner will receive:

  •  New tape runner
  • 12" by 12" Spring Paper Pack
  • 12" by 12" 4th of July Paper Pack
  • Petal Punch
  • Paper Tearing Tool
  • Black & White Paper Ribbons
  • Bright Stickers 
Entries may be submitted from April 1st - April 30th to be elegible for the prize. Click HERE for more information and to enter!! I look forward to seeing your terrific creations!

Happy Scrappin'!


  1. Love your layout Becky! You had lots of CM stuff!

  2. Replies
    1. Sanibel Island is a WONDERFUL place to and your hubby would loooove it!!

  3. Cute! Looks like a really fun vacation.


Thanks so much for leaving a comment; I truly value your thoughts, ideas and opinions! Have a blessed day! Becky B.