
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

A New Job and a New School = A New Adventure!

My good friend, mentor, and former boss Linda H. always has good, common-sense and wise advice to share. (She also has a great sense of humor to boot - love ya, Linda Kay!!) Many of her statements I have dubbed as "Linda-isms", and have told her on more than one occasion that she should write a quippy little book to share her "Linda-isms" with the rest of the world! ;) of the comments that I remember her making many years ago stuck in my head:

"A woman re-invents herself about every 7 years".

At the time I thought...hmmmm...I'm not so sure about that, but over time as I've aged (ha!) matured, I've come to realize that she was right. Although many things in a woman's life may stay relatively the same, she is always evolving and looking for ways to expand her horizons and grow in both knowledge and experiences. (Even a woman like me who doesn't really revel in change - LOL!)

Soooo....with that being said, after working for Broken Arrow Public Schools for the past 13 years, today I resigned to embark upon a new adventure!! Jamie, my pal and former boss when I worked at the BAPS Special Services Center, recently left her principal position with BAPS to accept the principal position at a brand-spanking new elementary school in Bixby, OK. (Bixby is a smaller, neighboring community just south of B.A.) She asked me to make the move with her to be her secretary again and to help her get the new school up and running. Since I found out earlier this year that the school site where I currently work will be closing at the end of the 2013-14 school year, I decided that I was up for an adventure and start my new job later this month! Our school will house students from Pre-K through 6th grade, and will open its doors for the first time in August. I am SUPER EXCITED about my new job!! Jamie and I work really well together and I am so happy to be working shoulder-to-shoulder with her again!!

Below is a photo of the beautiful school where I'll be working! The construction company is completing the finishing touches on the inside and will begin the landscaping soon. My office window is the arched one to right of the building entrance:

Next is a photo of my new office...I LOVE the beautiful, large arched window and the natural light that filters through it! As you can see, I've already begun to decorate and get moved in...granted my computer and phone haven't been set up yet, but all of that will come soon enough. :)

There are so many cool amenities in this school building...acoustically correct music and band rooms, terrific science rooms, several tornado-proof rooms on the lower level (which is such a relief considering the terrible tornado destruction and lives lost in the recent Moore, OK tornadoes), early childhood rooms have their own bathrooms and refrigerators, a wonderful gymnasium and stage for school plays and musical performances, a fabulous media center, etc. The community and school district of Bixby really pulled out all the stops when they built this fantastic elementary school!

Thanks for letting me share the exciting news with you today of the great new adventure that I am about to embark upon! 



  1. Congrats on your new adventure Becky!!! Love your new digs!

    1. Thank you, Tammy! I'm really looking forward to getting started later this month!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Jill! I love that I'll be working with little kiddos again...they are so much fun and always make me smile!

  3. Wonderful news, Becky! Sounds like an exciting change!

    1. Thanks, Ann! Knowing that the school site where I currently work will be closing in a year, the timing for this job was perfect! Also, so excited to be working with my former boss and pal Jamie again...we work really well together and make a good team! :)

  4. Wow, Exciting!! The thought of decorating an office sounds like oodles of fun (to this stay-at-home mom anyways, haha). And working with a great friend is really such a blessing. So happy for you and wishing you all the best in your new adventure :D

    1. Thanks, Justine! Less than two weeks 'til I start my new job...really excited to get started!


Thanks so much for leaving a comment; I truly value your thoughts, ideas and opinions! Have a blessed day! Becky B.