
Sunday, April 11, 2010

My little sis is turning 40 tomorrow!

My little sister turns 40 tomorrow, April 12th, so if you happen to read this, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARAH!!  Here's a blast from the past...a photo of Sarah and me circa 1973:

Sarah's on the left and I'm on the right.  Our mom, who is an excellent seamstress, used to always make us matching dresses, which is so funny to look back on now because our personalities have always been so very different! I wanted to make a special card to commemorate Sarah's 40th birthday, so here's what I came up with:

I hope that Sarah enjoys her 40's as much as I am!  I have found it to be quite's nice to know who you are and to be comfortable in your own skin!!  I recently read an article in a magazine about a Japanese term called "Wabi Sabi".  It talked about finding the perfect in the imperfect of every day, such as a handmade bowl which reflects craftsmanship in its imperfections rather than a machine-made bowl which is perfect but has "no soul".  It spoke of how people should accept the "Wabi Sabi" in themselves as well as in others, and used this poem by Leonard Cohen as analogy:

Ring the bells that still can ring,
Forget your perfect offering,
There's a crack in everything,
That's how the light gets in.

So here's to being in our 40's, (or whatever age you may be!), accepting ourselves and each other for who and what we are, and just being happy!  Have a blessed week!


1 comment:

  1. What a sweet picture of you and your baby sis!! You both are darling!! You did a fabulous job with her card! I love the distress and the perfect words you picked to add to it!! Thanks for taking on the "celebrate life" challenge this week at Frosted Designs!!
    Barb :)


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