
Monday, December 27, 2010

Just Sharing Some Fun Christmas Photos...

I hope that you all had a terrific Christmas! It was such a blessing to have all of our family at our home to celebrate the holiday! We went with an Italian lunch theme; making manicotti, red lasagna, white lasagna, etc. DELICIOUS! Since we went with an Italian theme, we joked that our last name should be "Brownelli" rather than "Brown" just for the day!

My sis-in-law, Sandy, made these ADORABLE matching Christmas aprons for all of the gals in our family! She even embroidered our names on the pockets!! From left to right are: Megan, Ashley, Lea Ann, Kari, Me, and Sandy holding granddaughter, Kayle Ann.

Here's the littlest member of our family, Kayle Ann, showing off her Christmas bow "corsage"...she's such a cutie!!

And here's Kayle's big brother, Ian, opening up a present:

Both of these cute kiddos belong to my nephew Ryan and his adorable wife, Ashley:

Doesn't my father-in-law look handsome in his argyle vest? I just LOVE argyle, (I think it's a timeless look and it takes me back to the preppy styles of my teenage days in the 80's!!), but I can't get my hubby to wear it!!

Justin and his cousin Megan always have a good time hanging out together! Meg is 3 years older than Justin, and they've been really close all of their lives...more like siblings than cousins!

Here's Mike's sis, Sandy, and her sweetheart of a hubby Don...aren't they so cute???

Here's my mom and nephew, Nathan, hanging out while lunch is cooking. Nathan was born on Christmas Eve and celebrated his 13th birthday the night before. Happy Birthday, Nate!!!

Niece Beth Ann was a little sleepy from celebrating her brother Nathan's 13th birthday at the movies the night before, so she snuggled up in a quilt and napped while lunch was cooking...

Here's a cute photo of Mike's sis, Lea Ann, her hubby John and daughter Megan...

Here's my sweetie opening one of his Christmas gifts....good 'ole cash - the perfect gift 'cause it's always the right size and color!!!

Mike's brother Royce opens a gift too...

Every year at Christmas we play our annual "Brown Family Bingo Games". Mike's mom started this tradition many, many years ago, and we continue to play as a tribute to her! We each bring a $5.00 wrapped gift to put into the loot pile, and my brother-in-law, John, is the caller. Upon calling Bingo the winner(s) can take a gift from the loot pile or steal a Bingo prize from someone else...which is always a lot of fun! One prize, a lump of coal in a Christmas tin, is recycled into the loot pile year after year! The lucky "winner" of the coal has to write a poem about the coal, wrap it up, and bring it back to add to the loot pile the following year. (Yes, we have an entire collection of poems about coal that has spanned for many, many years!) Ashley "won" the coal last year...she was so tricky this year and disguised the tin of coal in a Mason jar with some rice and wrapped it up!! (Good job, Ashley!!) My dad was the lucky one to select this gem this's a funny photo of him with his prize:

I can hardly wait to see what kind of a coal poem that Dad comes up with for next year - ha! ha!

Last, but not least, here are my favorite photos from Christmas day...Justin and Kayle Ann playing with a little flashlight...just too, too cute!

I'm off work this week - YIPPEE!! - so I'm looking forward to creating some fun projects to share with you!

Have a blessed day!

1 comment:

  1. Great pics of the Brownelli's! LOL! :) Looks like so much fun...those aprons are super pretty! Bingo sounds like a grand idea...I will have to keep that in mind as just two years ago we started a chinese x-mas over at my hubby's g-mas. Might have to try bingo to switch it up a bit. Oh and Royce is the same name as my nephew that just graduated...I had never heard of that name before except the car.
    Okay, I'm off to do more chores.


Thanks so much for leaving a comment; I truly value your thoughts, ideas and opinions! Have a blessed day! Becky B.