
Sunday, January 30, 2011

There's Blog Candy Being Given Away at Scrap It Girl's Crafty Blog!!

POST UPDATE 2-4-11: WOOHOO!! I received notice from Kimberly at "Scrap It Girl's Crafty Blog" that my name was drawn as the winner of her blog candy giveaway!! Thanks, Kimberly!!! You made my day!!

Becky B.

Good morning! Please take a minute to hop over to Scrap It Girl's Crafty Blog to sign up for some fun blog candy! All you have to do is become a follower of Kimberly's blog, (which is AWESOME!!), leave a comment on her blog candy post, and then link her blog candy giveaway to your blog. A winner will be chosen on Wednesday, February 2nd so don't wait!! Here's what she's offering:

A Slice apron (blue), a XL Spellbinders T-Shirt (pink), a ZVA creative canvas bag, an e-craft ruler, 2 Vellum quote sheets & a Powder puff chalk from Quick Quotes, and 2 yards of the Maya Road velvet scalloped ribbon. 

Have a great day!!

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