
Sunday, February 13, 2011

New Feature: Quote Sunday

As many of you know, I am a collector of quotes! Through the years I've stock-piled some AWESOME quotes/sayings/verses so I've decided to begin a new feature here at Scrappin' Becky B., which is "Quote Sunday". Each Sunday I'll share a new quote with you to use on a scrapbook page/layout, a card, or just to give you a chuckle or "food for thought". If you need to look up a quote at a later date just scroll to my "Labels" list, which is located in the side bar on the right, and click on "Quotes". You'll be able to locate each quote that I post right there for easy reference.

This week's quote is:

"Lead the life that will make you kindly and friendly to everyone around you, and you will be surprised what a happy life you will live".  ~Charles Schwab

Stay inspired and make a difference!


  1. I love the feature Becky! I have been curious to see some of the quotes you have collected, I am always in need of a good one so this is going to be great!

  2. I think this is a marvelous idea!! Great quote!

  3. What a great idea! Cant wait to see the quotes you have collected. Makes me want to gather my quotes that I have written on little pieces of paper all over and consolidate them in one book! Might have to alter a notebook for that...thanks for the inspiration!

  4. I love this idea! I am not very good at actually writing down the quotes I like.. Now I can just hop over here and borrow a few of yours!! lol!
    bArb :)


Thanks so much for leaving a comment; I truly value your thoughts, ideas and opinions! Have a blessed day! Becky B.