
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Seaside Scrapbook Page Layout

Sorry that I've been neglectful of my blog this week! It was a VERY crazy and busy week at work, and when I got home each evening I was just too tuckered out to post on my blog or even check my home email. I haven't had time to do much crafting lately, but spring break is coming up fast (HALLEUJAH!!) so I'm really looking forward to spending that week crafting and posting new creations on my blog.

I thought I'd share with you a 2-page scrapbook layout that I created almost 10 years ago shortly after Mike, Justin & I vacationed on Sanibel Island. If you've never been to Sanibel Island, Florida I HIGHLY recommend that you go!! It's a beautiful and peaceful little island right off of the coast of Ft. Myers and is the 3rd best shelling island in the world! GORGEOUS sea shells wash up in mounds along the white sandy beaches, and the sunsets are INCREDIBLE! It's one of my favorite places to vacation! (Actually, I'd love to live on Sanibel 6 months out of the year and then in mountains of Colorado for the other 6 months!!)

Anyhoo...back to the 2-page layout that I created using photos taken of the beautiful sunsets on Sanibel:

I totally lifted this layout idea from a Creating Keepsakes magazine that was published around the time that we visited Sanibel in 2001. I love this layout because the main focus isn't on all of the page embellishments but instead on the photos of the beach sunsets. (And isn't that really what scrapbooking is all about - the photos, journaling and memories and not the embellishments?) Granted, I love foo-foo embellishments on pages, cards, etc., but the simplicity of this layout is just kinda relaxing/calming to look at - don't you think so too?

Well...I'm off to tackle a mountain of laundry...have a fun and safe weekend!



  1. I think it is calming too! Wonderful pages!! Hope you have a great weekend too!

  2. Becky,
    I love the simplicity of this layout - that's what makes it!

    I'm right there with you on the "very busy/ very crazy". The beach looks Sooooo inviting!

  3. Hi Becky,
    You and I are SO on the same wave length! I spent last weekend organizing albums (how I get things out of order is beyond me? But it drives me nuts until I get it rearranged!) Anyway-I was noticing how crisp, clean and simple I use to do my pages. And they really showcase the photos! Love this layout you posted--how I would love to be on a beach right now.
    I've been neglectful of my blog the last month or so--been too much going on in the Fowler household lately.
    Hope your weekend has been a relaxing one! XO

  4. Great the awesome sunsets! Hope your week is calmer and yea for you! Spring break!

  5. Becky.... I can't believe you did this 10 years ago! It is stunning! What a peaceful and calming LO!! Everythinh about it is beautiful!

    barb :)


Thanks so much for leaving a comment; I truly value your thoughts, ideas and opinions! Have a blessed day! Becky B.