
Monday, July 11, 2011

A Little Peek Into My World: My Favorite Backyard Views...

I love working in my yard and you'll find me there most every Saturday morning; happy as a clam pulling weeds, watering plants, and sipping on a large glass of sweet iced tea while cooling off in the shade of my back porch. Recently I took a few photos of some of my favorite views in our backyard, so I thought I'd share those with you today...

First off is one of the day lily plants that my friend and co-worker Penny gave me a start of...isn't it just beautiful?? Thanks again, Penny, for sharing them with me!

Next is one of seven hydrangea bushes that Mike and Justin planted along the back of our house for me for my birthday in May...I just love hydrangea's - they are one of my favorite flowers:

Here are some lush, purple petunias. Petunias always make me think of my Grandma Buckallew...she had the most beautiful flower beds surrounding her home and various colored petunias were always planted in them:

My Grandma Franklin, who lived out in the country next door to my family when I was growing up, had bunches of moss rose plants growing out of an old claw-foot bathtub that sat out in her front yard. It was a spectacular show of color every year! This year, in honor of her, I purchased some large pots of pink moss rose plants and set them in Justin's old red wagon...I love this fun accent in our backyard!

Here's my little garden shed...a family of rabbits live under it and come out to hop around the backyard when my beagle is napping. Sometime in the near future I plan to put a weather vane on the roof of it. To the right of it is an area that we fenced in with wrought iron which houses our little garden:

Here's a close-up of some tomatoes ripening on the vine...we are also growing cucumbers, pumpkins and strawberries.

For my birthday my best bud Jamie bought this gorgeous confetti plant for is HUGE and thriving on my back porch!

Here's one of the "bird-friendly" areas along my back thing is that I've had 2 families of bluebirds build nests in those bird houses and each time they laid 4 eggs!! I just love that!

And last, but not least, here's my sweet little beagle Hunter patrolling our backyard...she's such a funny little dog and makes me smile every day!

Please bear with me for the next few days...this is the week that my department is moving to a new building, so I won't be posting again until later in the week. Thanks!

Have a wonderful week!!



  1. Adorable back yard! Cant wait for our tomatoes to turn yummy!

  2. These pictures are beautiful, thanks for sharing! I have something for you over on my blog, please come pick it up! :)


  3. So beautiful!! Those flowers are just bursting with color! Log the cute pic of your pup too! :) Good luck with the move!

  4. Beautiful yard and flowers Becky! I LOVE Hydrangeas too, I've never had a Hydrangea bush in my yard though. I always plant purple petunias too--they smell the best of all petunias. You've inspired me to take pictures of my flowers!


Thanks so much for leaving a comment; I truly value your thoughts, ideas and opinions! Have a blessed day! Becky B.