
Monday, July 8, 2013

Altered Window Photo Display Board

Happy Monday, All! I hope that you had a fun, relaxing and safe 4th of July weekend! It was so nice to have my sweetie home for a 4 day weekend!! We just hung out around the house, watched a movie and enjoyed our time together...nothing major, just some much needed down time for my sweetie!

Now, on to the fun project that I've been working on! My pal Jamie recently mentioned to me that she needed something to hang in her office to display photos of her kiddos; something that would be easy for her to change the photos out quickly without having to take a frame all apart. Her office is decorated in a super cute Americana theme, so my mental crafty wheels started turnin' and this is what I came up with for her:

I started out with an old window that Jamie's husband, Dustin, had given me a while back from a window replacement job that he had done. My sweetie took the glass out of the wooden window frame and then stapled chicken wire to the back of it for me:

I tore strips of gingham, denim from old jeans, and some red/white heart printed fabric and tied them to the wood strip that runs across the center of the window:

After rummaging around in my button stash, I came across some really cute buttons in the shape of American flags and stars. I tied baker's twine through the button holes and then glued the buttons to clothespins. Jamie can clip her photos to the chicken wire easily with these! (Sorry for the bad quality photo...took this one with my IPhone and it came out a bit fuzzy.)

Using some salvaged pockets from some of Justin's old jeans, I created a pocket banner and attached it to the base of the window frame by tying it tightly with torn gingham strips. (I used my Crop-A-Dial to punch holes in the corners of the pockets to run the gingham strips through, which formed the banner). Jamie can use the pockets on the banner to tuck memorabilia and additional photos in for future use on the display board.

While I was rummaging through my craft stash for the buttons, I came across a wooden star painted to resemble an American flag, so I knew that I had to incorporate it into this project! I formed a wire hanger and ran it through a hole in the top of the star. I then tied coordinating ribbon around the wire hanger and then simply attached this element to the rusty window latch at the top of the frame.

Here's another look at the finished project that I will give to Jamie tomorrow when we go out to lunch! (I used photos of my family and friends to clip on the wires for this post, so you can see how it looks all pulled together!)

I really LOVE how this turned out, and I plan on making some more of these using different themes/designs!

Thanks for popping over to my blog today! Have a WONDERFUL week!



  1. These are so popular right now! Yours came out gorgeous!!

    1. Thanks, Ann! I've got ideas for more of these kinds of memory boards...will be making and posting pics of those in the near future! :)

  2. Live how it turned out, Becky! The denim pockets at the bottom and red gingham (love red gingham! ) ribbons are such a fun touch!

  3. Thank you, Romaine! The pockets are a fun touch that add a little extra display area so Jamie use them to tuck additional photos and memorabilia into for safe keeping. :)


Thanks so much for leaving a comment; I truly value your thoughts, ideas and opinions! Have a blessed day! Becky B.