
Monday, September 30, 2013

Fall Wreath for My Friend Megan...

Good morning...I hope that you had a nice weekend! I had lots of plans to get all of my fall decorating done, which included planting a flat of pansies and some mums, but failed to get any of it done due to the rain that we received all day on Saturday. Granted, I'm not complaining about the rain because we REALLY needed it, but I couldn't get my plants in the ground because the ground was too wet to work in even on Sunday. On the upside, I did take a nice loooong nap while it was raining on Saturday - ha! ha! ;)

One project that I did accomplish yesterday afternoon was creating a fall wreath for my sweet friend Megan F.:

I think the pretty fall colors in this wreath will be a nice addition to her front porch. I am giving it to her today...hope she likes it!!

Thanks for dropping by this morning! Wishing you a TERRIFIC week ahead!!


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