
Monday, June 15, 2015

Sneak Peek: My Americana Lap Quilt in the Making

Good morning, friends! I hope that you had a nice weekend! On Saturday morning I met up with my sweet friend Robbi R. for breakfast at Panera, and we had a great time catching up on the goings-on of our lives. After leaving Panera I ran a few errands and then headed home for a peaceful afternoon nap snuggled up with my sweet little dog, Tony. :)

A while back I started making a lap quilt in Americana colors, so I thought I'd show you the blocks that I hand-stitched for the quilt:

Lemoyne Star:

Applique Rose:

Ohio Star:

Hearts 'A Bloom:

To see what the quilt will look like when it's all put together, I laid out the blocks and their adjoining pieces on a throw on my guest bed and took a photo:

My sweet sister-in-law Sandy, who is an AMAZING quilter, has agreed to finish/machine quilt it for me! She worked on it this past Saturday and got the top all sewn together, so now she'll machine quilt it for me. I am super excited to see it all finished up, so be sure to stay-tuned and I'll show you the completed lap quilt in the near future!

Thanks for dropping by today!! Have a SUPER week!


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