
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How Fun!! A Blog Award!!

My blogging friend, Justine at Kerr-afty Creations, made my day by sending me this blog award...thanks a bunch, Justine!! (Be sure to click on Justine's link above to check out her super-cute and crafty'll love it!!)  Upon accepting this award I must following these guidelines:

1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this

2. Share 8 things about yourself

3. Pay it forward to 8 bloggers that you have recently discovered

4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their awards

Now for some little known, (and not so little known - ha!), facts about me:

1. The one food that I absolutely loathe is black-eyed peas...just the smell of them gags me!
2. I am a very task-oriented person, so I make lists...lots and lots of lists - ha! ha!
3. I collect quotes
4. I am of German-Irish heritage
5. I love to cook but I don't like going to the grocery store
6. My family is my joy!
7. The one thing I am terrified of is snakes! They totally creep me out!
8. I am currently reading/studying 1 Kings in the Bible...and wondering how on earth King Solomon kept up with having 700 wives and 300 concubines?!?!?! Holy cats!!!

Here are 8 terrific blogs, (in no particular order!), that you won't want to miss checking out:

1. All Things Crafty
2. Margo's Garden
3. The Stamper's Cottage
4. Jessica's Paper Petals
5. Glitterbabe
6. Crafty Girl
7. Happy Scrapin'-n-Stampin'
8. Creating with Kari

Have a blessed day!


  1. Becky...thank you so much for thinking of me for this award!! You are such a sweetheart!! And you have some amazing recipes that I really, really want to try out very soon!! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family!
    Barb :)

  2. now this is truly a surprise - and on thanksgiving too! thank you so, so much for sharing this with me in your wonderful array of friends.

    i wish you and yours a truly blessed thanksgiving.

    hugs :)


    Hope you had a great Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Becky, how sweet of you to award me! I'm so excited even if it's a month and a half later. LOL! The holiday season just captured me this year, but I'm back, and so grateful that you thought of my blog. U are a "Sweet Bee"! I hope that you and your family had a wonderful and blessed holiday season.


Thanks so much for leaving a comment; I truly value your thoughts, ideas and opinions! Have a blessed day! Becky B.