
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A little something that makes me smile every day at work....very special hand-made cards

As some of you know, I work in the Special Services Department of our school district's Education Service Center. Our department, along with the staff at our multiple school sites, works very hard to meet the educational needs of the special needs children in our community.

On some days, (okay, most days - ha!) our jobs at Special Services can get a little crazy and hectic, but we love it none the less because we know that we're working for the greater good for kids!

The photo above is of the bulletin board just outside my office door; and the artwork you see posted there comes from the intellectually disabled students at our senior high school. You see, at the beginning of this school year our department was instrumental in creating a living skills classroom for these kiddos. This fantastic classroom comes complete with a full kitchen, a laundry area, etc. The amazing teachers at our high school work with the students in this special room to teach them life to do laundry, prepare various meals, etc. How cool is that?!?!? Anyway, back to the artwork...the ID students created these hand-made cards for our department to thank us for providing them with the new living skills classroom. Don't you just LOVE their drawings and heartfelt sentiments? I sure do! I also love being able to look up from my desk and see this puts a big smile on my face each and every time I look at it!!



  1. AWESOME! That is such a wonderful idea to get a living skills classroom! So nice of them to make artwork/ thank you cards! Lovin' the one on the bottom cool! :)

  2. Becky... this post is close to my heart! I have an older brother who is special needs and I know that the people who worked closely with him in the schools had a huge impact on him and his development! Thank you for this career you have chosen... you have blessed so many lives, probably more than you will ever know!!
    Barb :)


Thanks so much for leaving a comment; I truly value your thoughts, ideas and opinions! Have a blessed day! Becky B.