
Monday, April 6, 2015

A Little of This and a Little of That...

Hi, friends! I hope that you had a wonderful Easter weekend! Saturday here was beautiful, but Sunday was cool and rainy. I took advantage of the gorgeous sunny weather on Saturday and started planting flowers, tomato plants, cucumber plants, and pepper plants in my back yard beds. My apple tree is budding out nicely, and my thornless blackberry vines are taking off.

After working in the yard all day on Saturday, my back was killing me so I enjoyed a nice long soak in the bathtub. I then slathered my feet down with some of the miraculous moisturizing foot cream that I'd made the weekend before. This cream works fabulous on dry, cracked feet and hands! Since sandal season is upon us, I know that you'll want to get your feet in tip-top shape, so can click HERE to get to the link where I previously posted the recipe.

I've been so busy with preparing my flower beds, garden and planting things that I haven't had any time to work on crafty projects. I will be making a sweet pair of baby booties in the next few days to give to a friend who recently had a baby girl, so I hope to have those finished up and a pic posted by the end of the week. (I've got spring fever, so it's hard for me to sit still in the house and craft when I yearn to be working outside - lol!)

In closing I want to give a big 'ole HAPPY BIRTHDAY shout-out to my lovely niece Kari, who is celebrating a birthday today!! I hope that you're having a fantastic day, girlie!! ;)

Have a TERRIFIC week!!


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