This week's Fabulous Friday challenge over at
Frosted Designs is to create a project using "fancy trim". Here is the project that I came up's a hair bow storage/display board for a little girl:
I made this cute display board for my adorable great-niece, Kayle Ann:
And, because I'm sure that you too have adorable little girls in your lives who also wear super cute hair bows, I am sharing a tutorial with you so that you can make a hair bow storage/display board too!
Here's a list of materials that you'll need for this project:
- 9" x 14" artist canvas
- Acrylic paint, (I used Folk Art "Sunny Yellow")
- Various decorative ribbons and trims
- 13 buttons
- Hot glue gun
- 2 thumb tacks
- 4 mini binder clips
- 4 screws
- Staple gun
- Sponge brush
- Hammer
Begin by painting your canvas with acrylic paint:
Once the paint has dried, layout the design with ribbons. Using a staple gun, attach the ribbons to the backside of the wooden canvas frame. Your board should now look like this:
For extra stability of the ribbons, you may want to add staples to the front as well. You'll be covering up the staples with decorative buttons, so they won't show:
To create the loops for the headband hangers, cut 4 pieces of giant rick-rack about 3 1/2" long. Fold rick-rack in half and staple to the back of the canvas as shown:
Your board will now look like this:
Screw binder clips to the bottom of the board...these will hold hair elastics:
Cut a length of giant rick-rack to use as a hanger. Fold the raw ends of the rick-rack under and use a thumb tack to secure on the sides of the board. (You will need to hammer the thumb tacks in place.)
Tie 1/8" satin ribbon through each of the buttons and form a bow. Using a hot glue gun, attach the buttons to the ribbons on the canvas as shown:
Create a decorative ribbon, using 1/8" satin ribbon and a button, to attach to the center of the hanger. Your hair bow storage/display board is now finished and ready to hang on a wall to hold the adorable hair baubles that belong to the special little girl in your life:
The "Fancy Trim" challenge at
Frosted Designs is open until noon on Oct. 20th, so why not join the fun and enter one of your projects? I'd love to see what you create! Click
HERE to see the rules and the wonderful prize.
Happy crafting,